May 15, 2009



Set-cookie: Name -value: EXPIRES=date: PATH= path; DOMAIN=domain: SECURE

The NAME=value is the only required piece of information that must be included in the set-cookie field. All other entries are optional.

<table border="1" bordercolor="yellow" width="100%" bgcolor="white">
<td> Name = value </td>
<td> Specifies the name of the cookie </td>
<td> Expires = date </td>
<td> Specifies the expiry date of the cookie. After this date to the cookie will no longer be stored by the client or sent to the sever (DATE takes the form DD-MON-YY HH:MM:SS GMT- dates are only stored in Greenwhich Mean Time). By default the value of expires is set to the end of current Navigator session. </td>
<td>PATH = path </td>
<td> Specifes the path portion of hte URLs for which the cookie is valid. If the URL matches both the PATH and DOMAIN, then the cookies is sent to the server in the request header.</td>
<td> DOMAIN = domain</td>
<td> Specifies the domain portion of the URLs for which the cookie is valid. The default value for this attribute is the domain of the current document setting the cookie </td>
<td> SECURE </td>
<td> Specifies that the cookies should only be transmitted over a secure link (i.e to HTTP servers using the SSL protocol known as HTTPS servers) </td>
<td> row 6, column 1 </td>
<td> row 6, column 2 </td>

Name = value Specifies the name of the cookie
Expires = date Specifies the expiry date of the cookie. After this date to the cookie will no longer be stored by the client or sent to the sever (DATE takes the form DD-MON-YY HH:MM:SS GMT- dates are only stored in Greenwhich Mean Time). By default the value of expires is set to the end of current Navigator session.
PATH = path Specifes the path portion of hte URLs for which the cookie is valid. If the URL matches both the PATH and DOMAIN, then the cookies is sent to the server in the request header.
DOMAIN = domain Specifies the domain portion of the URLs for which the cookie is valid. The default value for this attribute is the domain of the current document setting the cookie
SECURE Specifies that the cookies should only be transmitted over a secure link (i.e to HTTP servers using the SSL protocol known as HTTPS servers)


Anonymous said...

good site info

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