The most basic type of HTTP servlet generates a full HTML page. Such a servlet
has access to the same information usually sent to a CGI script, plus a bit more. A
servlet that generates an HTML page can be used for all the tasks where CGI is
used currently, such as for processing HTML forms, producing reports from a
database, taking orders, checking identities, and so forth.
Writing Hello World
Example 2-1 shows an HTTP servlet that generates a complete HTML page. To
keep things as simple as possible, this servlet just says “Hello World” every time it is
accessed via a web browser.*
Example 2-1. A servlet that prints “Hello World”
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
A servlet that prints “Hello World” (continued)
out.println("Hello World");
This servlet extends the HttpServlet class and overrides the doGet() method
inherited from it. Each time the web server receives a GET request for this servlet,
the server invokes this doGet() method, passing it an HttpServletRequest
object and an HttpServletResponse object.
The HttpServletRequest represents the client’s request. This object gives a
servlet access to information about the client, the parameters for this request, the
HTTP headers passed along with the request, and so forth. Chapter 4 explains the
full capabilities of the request object. For this example, we can completely ignore
it. After all, this servlet is going to say “Hello World” no matter what the request!
The HttpServletResponse represents the servlet’s response. A servlet can use
this object to return data to the client. This data can be of any content type,
though the type should be specified as part of the response. A servlet can also use
this object to set HTTP response headers.
Our servlet first uses the setContentType() method of the response object to set
the content type of its response to “text/html”, the standard MIME content type
for HTML pages. Then, it uses the getWriter() method to retrieve a
PrintWriter, the international-friendly counterpart to a PrintStream.
PrintWriter converts Java’s Unicode characters to a locale-specific encoding. For
an English locale, it behaves same as a PrintStream. Finally, the servlet uses this
PrintWriter to send its “Hello World” HTML to the client.
That’s it! That’s all the code needed to say hello to everyone who “surfs” to our
Running Hello World
When developing servlets you need two things: the Servlet API class files, which are
used for compiling, and a servlet engine such as a web server, which is used for
deployment. To obtain the Servlet API class files, you have several options:
• Install the Java Servlet Development Kit (JSDK), available for free at http://java. JSDK Version 2.0 contains the class files for the Servlet
API 2.0, along with their source code and a simple web server that acts as a
servlet engine for HTTP servlets. It works with JDK 1.1 and later. (Note that
the JSDK is the Servlet API reference implementation, and as such its version
number determines the Servlet API version number.)
• Install one of the many full-featured servlet engines, each of which typically
bundles the Servlet API class files.
There are dozens of servlet engines available for servlet deployment, several of
which are listed in Chapter 1, Introduction. Why not use the servlet engine included
in JSDK 2.0? Because that servlet engine is bare-bones simple. It implements the
Servlet API 2.0 and nothing more.
Features like robust session tracking, server-side
includes, servlet chaining, and JavaServer Pages have been left out because they
are technically not part of the Servlet API. For these features, you need to use a
full-fledged servlet engine like the Java Web Server or one of its competitors.
So, what do we do with our code to make it run in a web server? Well, it depends
on your web server. The examples in this unofficially considered the reference implementation for how a web server should support servlets. It’s free for educational use and has a 30-day trial period for all
other use. You can download a copy from or, for
educational use,
The Java Web Server includes plenty of documentation explaining the use of the server, so while
we discuss the general concepts involved with managing the server, we’re leaving
the details to Sun’s documentation.
If you are using the Java Web Server, you should put the source code for the
servlet in the server_root/servlets directory (where server_root is the directory
where you installed your server). This is the standard location for servlet class files.
Once you have the “Hello World” source code in the right location, you need to
compile it. The standard javac compiler (or your favorite graphical Java development
environment) can do the job. Just be sure you have the javax.servlet and
javax.servlet.http packages in your classpath. With the Java Web Server, all
you have to do is include server_root/lib/jws.jar (or a future equivalent) somewhere
in your classpath.
Now that you have your first servlet compiled, there is nothing more to do but
start your server and access the servlet! Starting the server is easy. Look for the
httpd script (or httpd.exe program under Windows) in the server_root/bin directory.
This should start your server if you’re running under Solaris or Windows. On
other operating systems, or if you want to use your own Java Runtime Environment
(JRE), you’ll need to use httpd.nojre. In the default configuration, the serlistens on port 8080.
There are several ways to access a servlet. For this example, we’ll do it by explicitly
accessing a URL with /servlet/ prepended to the servlet’s class name.* You can
enter this URL in your favorite browser: http://server:8080/servlet/HelloWorld.
Replace server with the name of your server machine or with localhost if the server
is on your local machine
If the servlet were part of a package, it would need to be placed in server_root/
servlets/package/name and referred to with the URL http://server:8080/ servlet/
An alternate way to refer to a servlet is by its registered name. This does not have to
be the same as its class name, although it can be. With the Java Web Server, you
register servlets via the JavaServer Administration Tool, an administration applet
that manages the server, usually available at http://server:9090/.
Choose to
manage the Web Service, go to the Servlets section, and then Add a new servlet.
Here you can specify the name of the new servlet and the class associated with that
name (on some servers the class can be an HTTP URL from which the servlet class
file will be automatically loaded). If we choose the name “hi” for our HelloWorld
servlet, we can then access it at the URL http://server:8080/servlet/hi. You may
wonder why anyone would bother adding a servlet to her server. The short answer
appropriate for Chapter 2 is that it allows the server to remember things about the
servlet and give it special treatment.
A third way to access a servlet is through a servlet alias. The URL of a servlet alias
looks like any other URL. The only difference is that the server has been told that
the URL should be handled by a particular servlet. For example, we can choose to
have http://server:8080/hello.html invoke the HelloWorld servlet. Using aliases in
this way can help hide a site’s use of servlets; it lets a servlet seamlessly replace an
existing page at any given URL. To create a servlet alias, choose to manage the
Web Service, go to the Setup section, choose Servlet Aliases, and then Add the
Handling Form Data
The “Hello World” servlet is not very exciting, so let’s try something slightly more
ambitious. This time we’ll create a servlet that greets the user by name. It’s not
hard. First, we need an HTML form that asks the user for his or her name. The
following page should suffice:
<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="/servlet/Hello">
If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?
When the user submits this form, his name is sent to the Hello servlet because
we’ve set the ACTION attribute to point to the servlet. The form is using the GET
method, so any data is appended to the request URL as a query string. For
example, if the user enters the name “Inigo Montoya,” the request URL is http://
server:8080/servlet/Hello?name=Inigo+Montoya. The space in the name is specially
encoded as a plus sign by the browser because URLs cannot contain spaces.
A servlet�s HttpServletRequest object gives it access to the form data in its query
string. Example 2-2 shows a modified version of our Hello servlet that uses its
request object to read the �name� parameter.
This servlet is nearly identical to the HelloWorld servlet. The most important
change is that it now calls req.getParameter("name") to find out the name of
the user and that it then prints this name instead of the harshly impersonal (not to
mention overly broad) �World�. The getParameter() method gives a servlet
access to the parameters in its query string. It returns the parameter�s decoded
value or null if the parameter was not specified. If the parameter was sent but
without a value, as in the case of an empty form field, getParameter() returns
the empty string.
This servlet also adds a getServletInfo() method. A servlet can override this
method to return descriptive information about itself, such as its purpose, author,
version, and/or copyright. It�s akin to an applet�s getAppletInfo(). The method
is used primarily for putting explanatory information into a web server administration
tool. You�ll notice we won�t bother to include it in future examples because it
is clutter for learning.
Example 2-2. A servlet that knows to whom it�s saying hello
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class Hello extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
String name = req.getParameter("name");
out.println("<HEAD><TITLE>Hello, " + name + "</TITLE></HEAD>");
out.println("Hello, " + name);
public String getServletInfo() {
return "A servlet that knows the name of the person to whom it's" +
"saying hello";
Handling POST Requests
You�ve now seen two servlets that implement the doGet() method. Now let�s
change our Hello servlet so that it can handle POST requests as well. Because we
want the same behavior with POST as we had for GET, we can simply dispatch all
POST requests to the doGet() method with the following code:
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {
doGet(req, res);
Now the Hello servlet can handle form submissions that use the POST method:
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/servlet/Hello">
In general, it is best if a servlet implements either doGet() or doPost(). Deciding
which to implement depends on what sort of requests the servlet needs to be able
to handle, as discussed earlier. The code you write to implement the methods is
almost identical. The major difference is that doPost() has the added ability to
accept large amounts of input.
You may be wondering what would have happened had the Hello servlet been
accessed with a POST request before we implemented doPost(). The default
behavior inherited from HttpServlet for both doGet() and doPost() is to
return an error to the client saying the requested URL does not support that
Handling HEAD Requests
A bit of under-the-covers magic makes it trivial to handle HEAD requests (sent by a
client when it wants to see only the headers of the response). There is no
Figure 2-5. The Hello servlet using form data
Java™ Servlet Programming, eMatter Edition
Copyright © 2000 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.
doHead() method to write. Any servlet that subclasses HttpServlet and implements
the doGet() method automatically supports HEAD requests.
Here’s how it works. The service() method of the HttpServlet identifies
HEAD requests and treats them specially. It constructs a modified
HttpServletResponse object and passes it, along with an unchanged request, to
the doGet() method. The doGet() method proceeds as normal, but only the
headers it sets are returned to the client. The special response object effectively
suppresses all body output.* Figure 2-6 shows how an HTTP servlet handles HEAD
Although this strategy is convenient, you can sometimes improve performance by
detecting HEAD requests in the doGet() method, so that it can return early,
before wasting cycles writing output that no one will see. Example 2-3 uses the
request’s getMethod() method to implement this strategy (more properly called
a hack) in our Hello servlet.
* Jason is proud to report that Sun added this feature in response to comments he made during beta
Example 2-3. The Hello servlet modified to return quickly in response to HEAD requests
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class Hello extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {
// Set the Content-Type header
Web Server
KEY: implemented by subclass
Body suppressed
GET request
HttpServlet subclass
POST request service()
// Set the Content-Type header
The Hello servlet modified to return quickly in response to HEAD requests
// Return early if this is a HEAD
if (req.getMethod().equals("HEAD")) return;
// Proceed otherwise
PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
String name = req.getParameter("name");
out.println("Hello, " + name);
Notice that we set the Content-Type header, even if we are dealing with a HEAD
request. Headers such as these are returned to the client. Some header values,
such as Content-Length, may not be available until the response has already
been calculated. If you want to be accurate in returning these header values, the
effectiveness of this shortcut is limited.
Make sure that you end the request handling with a return statement. Do not call
System.exit(). If you do, you risk exiting the web server.
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