There are 3 types of behavior in marquee slide,scroll,alternate.this is a goog eye catching animation type to advertise your products online through marquee, all this in a very simple way
1) This will Scroll your text from Left to right.this is a goog eye catching animation type to advertise your products online through marquee.u can also increase the speed of all maruqee behaviors by increasing scroll amount.
<marquee behavior=" slide " direction ="right" bgcolor="Red" height="50pix" width="50%" scroll amount="2"> hello india </marquee>
2) this alternate behavior in marquee will move your text from right to left
<marquee behavior=" alternate " direction ="left" bgcolor="green" scroll amount= "1" height="50pix" width="50%" scroll amount="2"> hello india </marquee>
3) this scroll behavior will move your text from up to down,
<marquee behavior=" scroll " direction ="down" bgcolor="orange" scroll amount= "1" height="50pix" width="50%" scroll amount="2"> hello india </marquee>
4) this scroll behavior will move your text from down to up
<marquee behavior=" scroll " direction ="up" bgcolor="blue" scroll amount= "1" height="50pix" width="50%" scroll amount="2"> hello india </marquee>
April 17, 2009
0 3 Types of Marquee Behaviors
Posted by raj on 2:41 AM
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