July 6, 2011

0 New ShortMail Cuts Email to 500 Characters or less

A  new email program called 'Shortmail', dubbed as "Twitter or email", will now scale down the communication overload by restricting messages to 500 characters. The program also aims to make some conversations more public and therefore more social.

Shortmail is a new way to communicate. Yes, its length-limited to 500 characters.But it's also social linked to your Twitter account. Over time, we want to make e-mail much more social and more efficient," the founder Dave Troy was quoted saying.

The program is destined to deliver only those messages that are within the character limit and prompt users to shorten then before sending if they go beyond limit. Shortmail not only uses Twitter handles to help people claim the addresses, but also gives them access to a website with a basic interface to contact other users.

Messages can be delivered both privately and publicly, just like Twitter.


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